Friday, July 15, 2011

Bureaucracy in Academia Mirrors Federal Model

News: 'The Fall of the Faculty' - Inside Higher Ed

I found the most interesting part of this interview the fact that the shift in academia mirrors the bureaucratic shift in Washington.

As a political scientist I was very sensitive to issues of politics and struggle. And I’ve increasingly seen the same tactics at work in universities that we see here in Washington.

This is a similar problem that I encountered in the military, where those that were hired to "administer programs" were more interested in funding, metrics, buzzwords, and advancing their own careers than in understanding and doing the work that needed to be done. This may mirror the larger trend in business which is written about in a new book about how the rise in MBAs has led to the decline of American business. There is a lot to say about having the "engineers" or in this case the academics in charge. Rather than worrying about the sale of the educational "product" the focus should be on providing the best, most rigorous, and most useful education.