Friday, November 30, 2012

Are they related?

In today's mystery music show we examine two news items from the Russian press and ask the question: are they related?

The first is a stringent denial that Russia has lost a bid to supply India (its second largest customer for arms after China)* heavy helicopters:

MOSCOW, November 28 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s state arms exporter Rosoboronexport denied on Wednesday media reports that it had lost tenders on the delivery of heavy-lift helicopters and aerial tankers to the Indian air force. 
“Rosoboronexport denies media speculation about Russia’s loss in both tenders as these reports are false,” the company said in a statement. (Link to full article)
The second is a story related to the ongoing corruption scandal in the Russian military.

MOSCOW, November 28 (RIA Novosti) – Companies controlled by the Russian Defense Ministry embezzled more than a combined 10 billion rubles ($257 million) this year, investigators said on Wednesday. 
The alleged sum included 6.7 billion rubles ($215 million) suspected to have been stolen via a corruption scheme that cost Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov his job earlier this month, Investigative Committee spokesman Alexander Sorochkin said. The sum in the high-profile case was previously reported to be 3 billion rubles. (Link to full article)
Russia's intertwined military industrial complex may be eating itself.  If the corruption within the system increases to a point where Russia cannot competitively sell its arms to longtime partners, the entire house of cards could come crashing down.

Verdict: Possibly related.

* Here is a fun graph I made to show this relationship: