Thursday, September 3, 2015

Academic Stalking and other Notes from APSA 2015

I am currently attending the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.  As I was walking to a panel today I saw a man sitting and read his name tag: David Kinsella.  Dr. Kinsella is my academic hero.  A paper that I read of his during my first year of graduate school is what put me on the path to studying arms transfers.

I didn't have the guts to just go up to him and say hello and tell him how much his early work has inspired my own career.  I probably should have.


I ran into two Iowa students at the poster session this morning (September 3rd).  They were both young graduate students when I was finishing up.  Now they are both getting close to the end of their graduate work.  They are both doing interesting work and had well-prepared posters.

I saw a few interesting posters this morning.  One is related to my own arms sales research.  It is a test of arms data that shows that states that export weapons spend less on their own defense.  This is an interesting finding and one that I need to look more at before I do much more on my own project.

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