Thursday, September 10, 2015

Arms related Humor

There are two pieces that I've seen in the past week or so that have me laughing.  The first is from the Onion, which is always fun.  The headline is the funniest part:

Lockheed Martin Sales Staff Instructed To Really Push Tactical Air-To-Surface Missiles This Week

and here is one of the quotes from the article:

“Do whatever it takes to unload this stuff: place a few cold calls to foreign defense agencies, offer to throw in a couple Stalker drones for free. I don’t care what you have to do, just so long as we can hit our numbers and make way for the anti-aircraft shipments we’ve got coming in at the end of the month.” 

Pure awesomeness! LINK

From Duffel Blog

For Sale: AGM-114K Hellfire Missile, Slightly Damaged. Asking $1000 OBO. Location: Fort Drum, NY LINK

And my personal favorite (with picture!)

Lockheed Upbeat Despite F-35 Losing Dogfight To Red Baron

LINK to the hilarious full post.

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