I thought it would be fun to put together a graph that shows the arms suppliers for Kazakhstan in 2013 in a network form. The data come from SIPRI and I put them into a simple association matrix. I used the R Statnet package to make the data a network, and then just used plot features in R to make the graph look a little nicer. I think that this is a fun little visualization of where these arms are coming from. Here's the graph:
The code to do this is pretty straightforward. If you want the data in the text format, please email me. The code is pasted below using "Pretty R."
The code to do this is pretty straightforward. If you want the data in the text format, please email me. The code is pasted below using "Pretty R."
library(statnet) supplier <- read.table("supplier.txt") kasnet2013.m <- as.matrix(supplier) kaznet2013 <- as.network(kasnet2013.m,matrix.type="adjacency", directed = T) vertsize <- supplier$Kazakhstan*.05+1 png("Kazakh_imports2013.png", height = 8, width=11, units="in", bg="transparent", res=600) plot(kaznet2013, displaylabels=TRUE, displayisolates = FALSE, vertex.col=c("gray","gray","red","gray","gray", "red","sienna4"), vertex.cex = vertsize, main=list("Kazakstan Arms Suppliers 2013", col="sienna4"), sub=list("Size of Vertex represents Value of Arms from Country", cex= .9, col="sienna3")) mtext("Data from SIPRI TIV Database", side = 2, cex=.75, col="dimgray") dev.off()