I am starting work on my dissertation. The first thing I needed to do was to get all of my arms transfer data into a form that I can work with it for network analysis. That effort is going nicely. I spent a little time today playing around with the graphs for the year 1950. Here is the worldwide arms network for 1950:
I also ran a quick graph of the arms network in 1975. The thing that jumps out is the difference in the number of states that are importing weapons. The graph as an analytical tool is nearly useless given the crowded nature of the arms market. This is why I have to utilize real Social Network Analysis tools to get at the questions I really want to answer. Graphs are fun, though.
I also ran a quick graph of the arms network in 1975. The thing that jumps out is the difference in the number of states that are importing weapons. The graph as an analytical tool is nearly useless given the crowded nature of the arms market. This is why I have to utilize real Social Network Analysis tools to get at the questions I really want to answer. Graphs are fun, though.
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