Monday, February 11, 2013

The Enemy of my Friend - India Pakistan and Russia

This article popped up in my news feed this morning.  It is about Russia's anger that India is purchasing fighters from France. The gist of the argument is that Russia has been India's "true strategic partner" since the 1960s.  The evidence for this is that Russia has voluntarily abstained from selling weapons to India's primary enemy, Pakistan.

Russia now feels betrayed that India is not rewarding that loyalty. India is still the largest customer of Russian arms.  However, if India continues to seek alternatives, Russia could find a lucrative source of income drying up or at least becoming more difficult to assure.

Here is the money quote from the head of Rosoboroneksport:
“We do not sell military equipment to Pakistan, only because of our loyalty to India. But all other nations, with whom India does business, sell their weapons and systems to Pakistan. We are India’s true strategic partners.”
I had the data for arms networks laying around (for my dissertation) so I quickly put together graphs for both India and Pakistan.  These are the ego networks for the two states, which means that these are not the full world arms network, only those states involved in sales to either India or Pakistan.

Neither of these two graphs shows much difference in the composition of states selling weapons.  In the Pakistan network, shown at the bottom, Russia is located at the edge of the graph and is not selling directly to Pakistan.  In all other respects, though the networks are very similar.

I guess the question is now to what extent Russia has deliberately not sold to Pakistan.  If Russia has made a decision not to sell that is one thing.  If Pakistan has not tried to buy because it was being supplied by the US and its allies and wanted to maintain that source for its weapons, then this is a different conversation. The idea that Russia is engaging in a deliberate version of Heidegger's rule (The enemy of my friend if my enemy) is what is most fascinating to me about this entire episode.

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